Mad Max meets the Merry Pranksters in the red centre of Australia – It’s a road movie on the radio! Watch it here.
On May 1 st , 2000, a group of 100 artists, activists and performers from 18 different countries left Port Augusta in South Australia in a motley assortment of old cars, busses and trucks ( one van was powered by used veggie oil!). On a very definite no – budget operation without funding or financial support of any kind, the Earthdream convoy set out on an epic trip northwards across the red centre in an attempt to experience first hand the issues of Aboriginal land rights and sustainable living.
With freaks, greenies, doofers, science eggheads, film crews, black fellas, crusties, ravers, punks and revolutionaries it’s a road movie through Australia which combines the anarchic humour and politics of Ken Kesey’s Merry Pranksters with the dusty technology of Mad Max.
Through sun, rain and riot police the Earthdreamers unloaded their sound systems from busses, trucks and veggie-oil powered vans and exposed remote Aboriginal communities to an eclectic mix of dance music and performance. In return they learned from the Aboriginal elders the problems that indigenous people face. The Earthdreamers joined with the Arabunna people to march on Beverly uranium mine and were attacked by South Australian police. Participants were beaten with batons and many, including an 11 year-old girl, were sprayed with capsicum spray. 27 arrests were made.
En route the artists created remarkable art installations from salvaged aeroplanes and recycled mining machinery.